A "Quiet Vacation": The 3 Zodiac Signs? 

A calm vacationer may be lounging by a pool with a laptop or drinking a margarita while reading emails.  

While your coworker is on Zoom, you may hear a seagull squawk. 

Please ignore them if you think they're in Miami instead of Brooklyn working from home. 

The TikTok trend tagged ‘#quietvacationing’ has amassed over 15 million view. 

Although you may need to take a leave or use personal working hours, a quite vacation specifically means doing so without your supervisor’s knowledge. 

Cancers struggle to imagine quitting. Moon-ruled and relationship-oriented, this water sign puts others' needs before their own. 


Unlike earth signs Taurus and Capricorn, who enjoy every PTO day, Virgos struggle to relax. 


Sensitive Scorpios will constantly hesitate before going OOO, unlike fiery signs like Leo or Sagittarius. 


5 Zodiac Signs Have Excellent Horoscopes August 1, 2024   

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