Good Luck Awaits These 4 Zodiac Signs on August 1, 2024

Welcome August, and let's celebrate your first day. A Cancerian waning crescent Moon offers luck on August 1, 2024.   

Thursday will be tranquil for four zodiac signs. Our environment makes us feel safe and comfortable.  

This Cancer transit will connect into that area inside us that wants to know 'all is OK.' for these four zodiac signs.   

We don't like large surprises. We'll still be overjoyed when we're lucky.   

A accidental meeting becomes 'the form of things to come' for much of August, and these four zodiac signs are lucky.  

Taurus, August 1 is your lucky day for good news. We're likely looking at work-related issues, which won't surprise you since August was going to change things.   


Leo, carpe diem may be your motto today, as your luck seems to come from knowing when to strike.  


It's fascinating that your good luck on Thursday, August 1, lets you know you've been spared. You could have gotten involved in all the wrong things today.   


Aquarius, relax. Even though you expected August 1 to be different, you had some serious luck.  


5 Zodiac Signs Have Excellent Horoscopes August 1, 2024   

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