On August  5, 2024, 3 zodiac  Signs Discover True Love

 We can expect positive things to happen whenever a major planet exits a retrograde, and that is exactly what will happen on this day, july  27, 2024, during Uranus Direct.

 Uranus going direct on January 27, 2024, may make you feel like the scales have slipped from your eyes as this one pal becomes more than just a friend,,,

 1. Leo

 Could it be that the person you've grown to love, trust, and cherish is your genuine love? Leo, yes. It's feasible.

 True love? Moi? On july  27, 2024, you may enjoy the concept that this one person in your life may be more than inquisitive about you,,,

 2. Scorpio

 They're funny, make you want to kiss them, and make you dream of a life with them.

 You're a realist who can't believe you'll find true love,,,

 3. Capricorn

 Love, but what's with this 'real love' hype? You mock such idealism, but when it happens for you on January 27, 2024, Capricorn, it's intense and dreamy,,,

 Uranus Direct will change your perspective, making you more open to concepts you don't believe in.

5 Zodiac Signs Have Excellent Horoscopes August 1, 2024   

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