Shah Rukh Khan added one more feather to his illustrious career. On Saturday, he became the first Indian celebrity to be honored with a lifetime achievement award, the Pardo alla Carriera or Career Leopard, at the 77th edition of the Locarno Film Festival.
However, a red carpet video of the actor is going viral on X (Formerly Twitter) amid claims he 'pushed' someone as he posed for solo pictures.
Shah Rukh Khan, often hailed as the "King of Bollywood," found himself at the center of controversy during an event at the Locarno Film Festival. Allegedly, the actor was seen pushing an elderly man in what appeared to be an altercation.
This incident quickly went viral on social media, leading to a massive outcry on platforms like Twitter, where the hashtag "Shame on You" began trending.
The incident reportedly occurred during a crowded moment at the festival, with Shah Rukh Khan surrounded by fans, media, and security personnel. According to eyewitnesses, the actor appeared to push an older man who was either trying to approach him or was in his path.
The exact context of the situation remains unclear, with conflicting reports emerging about whether the push was intentional or simply an accidental brush in a chaotic environment.
As news of the alleged push spread, Twitter users quickly reacted, with many expressing disappointment and anger towards the beloved star. The hashtag "Shame on You" was widely used, with people criticizing Khan for his behavior, emphasizing that such actions are unbecoming of a public figure who has built a reputation for kindness and humility.
However, not all reactions were negative. A significant number of Shah Rukh Khan's fans came to his defense, arguing that the video or photos circulating online may not tell the whole story.
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