As Mercury backspins across the zodiac from late-night Aug. 4 to Aug. 28, it will cause logistical confusion and miscommunication.
The Mercury retrograde begins in detail-oriented Virgo but returns to theatrical Leo halfway through, activating different regions of everyone's natal chart.
You're even more likely to feel its affects at some time, but for the zodiac signs most impacted by Mercury retrograde this month, it'll likely be intense throughout.
Mercury will make critical connections during its retrograde, upsetting all zodiac signs.
Mercury meets Venus in Virgo on Aug. 7, suggesting a reunion or amorous thoughts.
Since Mercury rules your universe, Geminis experience its backspins more strongly than other signs.
This retrograde begins during your birthday season, so if you have any August celebrations, make sure everyone is clear on the details and provide some wiggle room with timing.
Mercury rules Virgo, so when it retrogrades, you feel the energy shift more than other signs.
5 Zodiac Signs Have Excellent Horoscopes August 1, 2024