Some zodiac signs seem to glide through life effortless. Scary work meeting? No problem. Busy day? No worries.
Miss the bus? Seriously, no biggie. They're stress-resistant and constantly ready to unwind.
They'll take a nap or linger on lunch like they're on vacation if they can.
They contrast with fiery zodiac signs like Leo and Aries. Airy Libra and Gemini also look OTT since they lead groups, talk, and settle disagreements.
Some of these indicators are gregarious, boisterous, and rebellious, while others have intense energy underneath.
Many Tauruses are lazy, pleasant, and relaxed. They remain calm in any situation because they are a fixed earth sign.
Aquarius takes a deep breath and evaluates the situation before acting. As a fixed sign controlled by Uranus, the planet of intellect, they can always solve problems.
Although Pisces are emotional water signs, they don't get worked up. Their huge feelings mostly affect their enjoyment for the world, hence they're dubbed zodiac dreamers.
5 Zodiac Signs Have Excellent Horoscopes August 1, 2024