August 6, 2024 brings us a dreamy astrological journey around conjunction moon Mercury. This Moon-Mercury transit can help these three stars understand their dreams and see them unfold into reality — if they choose to work hard and put in the effort.
That seems like a lot of responsibility, doesn’t it? Effort is a concept to take to heart on Tuesday as we ask ourselves the old but very important question:
Is this what we really want? This insight leads to a very old and important point:
be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it.
The Sun in Virgo, Libra and Scorpio stimulates mental vitality, and the Moon and Mercury give us a sense of superpowers.
While this doesn’t necessarily mean we can do something ‘extraordinary’ out of the ordinary, we can take our dreams to manifestation. The question is, do we want to?
Nothing reaches a certain point faster than the transit of the moon connecting Mercury. In terms of how this brings your dreams to life, you will find that August 6th is your career day. Act now and you won’t regret it later.
What’s it worth if you never see it come true? As you think Libra, you will succeed in it.
You’re on a mission to make your dream come true, and it doesn’t seem all that difficult.
5 Zodiac Signs Have Excellent Horoscopes August 1, 2024